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Lee House Blog


Building Basic Structure and Routine in Early Recovery: II

2. What to say to others: You might get some flak from others in your family, at work, or even from some friends when you try to simplify your daily schedule and pay attention to what’s important for your recovery. That’s actually to be expected. Although they’re well-meaning individuals, no one except you really knows what it’s like to go through this sometimes difficult and confusing time. Well, no one except another person in recovery. And, even then, every person’s situation is unique. So, back to what you say to others who wonder why you can’t spend time with them, take on this extra assignment, go for the long business trip, entertain clients at the bar, or some other form of subtle or not-so-subtle persuasion?

The answer is, frankly, that it just depends. If the person is someone who knows that you are in recovery, all you need to say is that you’re following the recommendations of your mentor, your counselor, your sponsor, or simply that you are working your program. If the person knows nothing about your situation, a polite “I’m sorry, I’m not available at this time” should be sufficient – or use words that you deem appropriate to the situation. Definitely don’t go into a long dissertation about overcoming your addiction, how hard or easy treatment was, how odd it seems to be living in a houseful of strangers, or all the many worries and sleepless nights you may be going through lately. They not only don’t need to know, it will probably scare the daylights out of them! This is your business, your recovery. If you reach out to your sponsor, he’ll remind you to put your recovery first!

Until next time, be well!

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